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Welcome to the 3D Phantasy Star universe. If you are fan of Phantasy Star and ever wanted know how the game would be adapted to 3D here you'll find a preview that I've been developing in graphic computing. There are few images yet and the work is only beginning. Anyway, when possible I'll continue to include new images and animations in 2D and 3D art and maybe someday the 3D sanctuary of characters and the more impressive of all RPGs series will be complete and full of awesome images (at least until the DreamCast version arrives).

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Phantasy Star 3D images (Really recommended 1024x768x16bit):

(If some image fails to load, try again...).



Cam4t.jpg (14437 bytes)

The city of   Caminnet in 3D.

Cam3t.jpg (16480 bytes)

Alis Landale looking her reflect in the lake. OK, I know Caminnet has no lake but I think I must have some freedom to create!  :)

Cam1t.jpg (11856 bytes)

A Caminnet Church   image. It's possible see the three neighbor shops at the left. Dou you remember them?

Cam2t.jpg (15380 bytes)

Alis Landale in front your own house. (Look the basement at the right). Here the adventure starts!

Alis1t.jpg (5138 bytes)

A more detailed image of Alis Landale.

Alis1t.jpg (5138 bytes)

An animated gif of Alis, training attack and defense.



Nei0.jpg (205411 bytes)

Nei, molded in 3D, over the famous blue grid in the battle mode of PS II.

Nei2t.jpg (25356 bytes)

Nei, trying to escape from the 3D Space


Mieu1t.jpg (18368 bytes)

Mieu throwing a boomerang.


Let's go beyond: A Rika of PS IV image, meeting the Owl Bear of PSI... Rika2t.jpg (15967 bytes)

Another Rika image.

Rika1t.jpg (4250 bytes)

Animated Gif of Rika walking

Morph of the Phantasy Star IV characters


Algol Solar System Elsy1t.jpg (6160 bytes)

The Legendary Elsydeon Sword.



- The Phantasy World project:

The Phantasy World project is a Phantasy Star style game for the HP48. Soon the game will be ready. The nowadays version includes 3D mazes, battle scenes and almost city maps. If do you want know more about this project, click here.  There is a demo beta version of the game to download. If you are a HP48 user and like Phantasy Star you really must visit this project. 

A login before the exit... A Phantasy World battle scene!



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